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Schweppes Soda Water – Is there a better alternative?

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Soda Maker – Sparkling Water at home

No electricity, no battery – up to 60L with one CO2 refill.

Starter Set from Rp 999.000

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Yes, there is a better way:

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way to drink Sparkling Water.

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Cheaper from day 1 – show me the math!

Starter Sets of our Soda Makers are available from as low as Rp. 1.459.000 and you can directly make up to 60-liter of Sparkling Water with it.

Compared to 60-liter Schweppes Air Soda (TM) for more than 3.354.000 Rp. you have already saved 55%. (Yes, it’s true!)

Now that’s a smart purchase!

And from there on you just purchase the CO2 refills.

They start from Rp. 199.000 per CO2 refill tank swap.

No Schweppes Air Soda can in stock: No Problem! You got this.

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Sodafresh Made Sparkling Water

Price per liter 3.350 Rp.

(up to 60 liter with 1 CO2 refill for 199.000 Rp.)

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San Pellegrino Sparkling (750ml, HappyFresh)

Price per liter 52.000 Rp

(Sodafresh is 94% cheaper)

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Aqua Reflections (750ml, Aqua)

Price per liter 24.645 Rp

(Sodafresh is 86% cheaper)

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Happy customer – check out Google Reviews and Tokopedia “Sodafresh”

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Up to 60 liters*. It all depends on the way the Soda Maker is applied and how strong you like to carbonate your water.

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All Sodafresh Soda Maker have a 12 months warranty. These are the warranty periods of the suppliers, and we are passing them on to our clients.

[/ux_text] [/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”CO2 tank swap – How to?”] [ux_text text_color=”rgb(0,0,0)”]

Empty CO2 tanks can be swapped in partner stores, our Sodafresh office in Cideng or be ordered online. It works like Aqua Gallon. Empty in exchange for full.

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Up to 30 km around our Cideng office we will pick up and deliver. Further away you need to send us the empty tanks and we will send you the full ones back for free (Java, Bali only). We ship orders within 2 to 3 working days but always aim to be faster. Depending on your postcode/ location there might be a small delivery fee.

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Payment methods?
Online orders can use

Direct Transfers to our BCA account,
Credit Cards,
ATM and
in Store payments.
We offer Cash On Delivery (COD). Please send us a What’sApp message.

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Eco-friendly because CO2 tanks are refillable


There are many aspects of the Sodafresh Soda Makers that make them more eco-friendly than bottled water.

One-way, disposable bottles and cans consume a lot of energy and scarce resources to be manufactures – ONLY to later end up in a landfill. That’s true for Schweppes Air Soda Sparkling and other brands like ZODA, San Pellegrino, Perrier etc.

Transporting bottles water also uses a great deal of energy and produces emissions.

Both is avoidable through a Soda Maker. Re-use your BPA free bottles and reduce your trash.

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Convenient – always ready and needs no space


You have Sparkling Water if you have CO2 and a Soda Maker. No need to drive to the store to buy Schweppes Air Soda Water. No need to fill up kitchen cabinets with boxes full of bottles of e.g., Schweppes Air Soda Sparkling.

It’s just there when you want it. Or when you guests want it.

No problem if Schweppes Air Soda is sold out. You don’t care ever again.

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