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POSTED ON April 16, 2020

Can you carbonate Whiskey?


Carbonating Wine – Yes

But what about other booze?

Lucky there is always someone in the Internet that tries something new.

And the results were good. Mostly 😉

  • Whiskey – very good
  • Gin – pleasant, add some lemonade
  • Rum – not pleasant, rather dull
  • Tequila – nope, stick with shots
  • White Wine – excellent (but, we knew that already)
  • Vodka – very good

Have a look at this well written, entertaining article for the details.

( – Carbonating Booze… For Science)

What will you carbonate next?

Let us know in the comments.


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2 Responses

    1. Hi Dajo,

      We have never heard of it and Google also did not produce any results.
      Do you maybe have a link and we can check out the recipe and maybe give some advice after that?

      After all, the name has Soda in it and that sounds like a job for a Soda Maker.

      Sodafresh Team

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